Thursday 27 December 2012

Wait Two Were Missed

I don't know how I missed these.  It's not like they're easy to forget about.  Forget what I hear? Well not only Goemon Mononoke Sugoroku for the N64 and Gears Of War 3 Figure  (One of the Best Video Games Ever Created) of  Anya Stroud.

Also to my surprise we actually had post today and in that post I received a Game Cube Game I ordered from Canada, Naruto Clash Of Ninja the first in the series.  Most people don't realise that the first Naruto Clash Of Ninja released in Europe was actually the second one in the series.

Just a quick review on Kid Icarus Uprising.  I've done the first 3 levels and so far I am very impressed.  The graphics are outstanding and the game play is great.  The controls will take some time to get used to though.  I tried it with the Circle Pad Pro and it just made it harder.  The Extra control stick does the same as the one on the 3DS.  They should of made it so you could control the movement of Pit with the left stick and aim cursor with the right one.
The boss battles are epic, two headed dog and fight a three headed serpent while flying, what else could anyone ask for.   Here are some screen shots.

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